This four-part documentary series features Chelsea Handler as she explores topics of personal and
This four-part documentary series features Chelsea Handler as she explores topics of personal and universal fascination: marriage, racism, Silicon Valley, and drugs. The Festival will premiere one installment of the series with clips from the other three installments, followed by an extended Q&A with Chelsea Handler, Director Eddie Schmidt, and Executive Producer Morgan Neville. World Premiere
演技,觉得都还好,至少总体不影响观看。相比切尔西·韩德勒Jeffrey Patrick Olson 表演来说,导演的一些细节很有意思,也不知道导演怎么想的,但是作为观众,我看到了导演的用心。也不知道和导演想的是不是一样,总之我认为这部片子很不错,还有很多镜头切换的地方也很好,就不一一赘述了。导演很用心,很让人满意,唯一一点瑕疵我认为是剧本有些粗糙,但也不排除是因为时间限制等特殊原因。
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